1Jonathan Bergmann, Aaron Sams. Flip your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day [M]. Washington, DC: International Society for Technology in Education, July 15, 2012.
2Jerry Overmyer. Vodcasting and the Flipped Classroom [OL].<http://mast.unco.edu/programs/flipped/.>.
3Jon Bergmann, Jerry Overmyer, Brett Wilie. The Flipped Class:Mythsvs.Reality[OL].<http://www.thedailyriff.com/arti cles/the flipped class conversation 689.php.>.
4Jonathan Bergmann & Aaron Sams. How the Flipped Classroom Is Radically Transforming Learning[EB/OL]. [2013-04-09]. http://www. thedailyriff.condarticles/ how-the-flipped-classroom -is-radically- transibrming-learning-536.php.
5A new method of leaching is turning the traditional classroom on its head [EB/OL]. [2013-04-09].http://www.knewton.com/flipped- classroom/.
6FLIPPED CLASSROOMS: IMPROVED TEST SCORES AND TEACHER S ATISFACTION[EB/OL]. [2013-04-09]. http://class- roomwindow.condflipped -classrooms -improved -test -scores -and - teacher-satisfaction/.
10Flipped Not Working [EB/OL]. [2013-05-13].hnp://flippedelassronm. org / forum / topics / flipped - not - working ? id = 4973855 % 3ATopie % 3 A 101453&page=4#comments.