
职业教育培训与大学教育的渗透:德国的经验与启示 被引量:3

Facilitating the Permeability between Vocational Education and Training and Higher Education:Experiences and Inspirations from Germany
摘要 许多具备相当层次的职业资格或专业水准的从业者,因其职业教育培训的背景而难以接受大学教育,这是我国职业教育培训与大学教育之间隔离的结果。德国通过实施"先前学习"认证、开发"基于工作的学习"课程项目等逐渐实现了职业教育培训与大学教育的渗透;为很多只具备初级职业教育或仅接受过单位培训的员工提供了大量接受高等教育的机会。这无疑也为促进我国职业教育培训与大学教育的渗透提供了参考。 In China, insulation between vocatinal education and higher education re- sult in a lots of skilled worker who graduated from vocational school can never get access to universities.In the meantime, German government carried out the project of accreditation of vocational competences for higher education programmes and Work-based Learning, in or- der to facilitate the permeability between vocational education and training and higher edu- cation successfully.The successful experience can be a valuable source for Chinese voca-tional education reform.
作者 罗建河
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期35-45,共11页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 国家社科基金青年项目"失业大学生群体的社会风险治理研究"(项目批准号:13GGL112)
关键词 职业教育培训 大学教育 渗透 基于工作的学习 Vocational Education and Training Higher Education Permeability Work-based Learning
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