城市地下交通联系隧道(Urban Traffic Link Tunnel,UTLT)主隧道一般呈环形,交通流量大且隧道高度较低等特点决定了其火灾风险性较高。一旦发生火灾,如何把烟气控制在一定范围内,并快速有效的排出隧道成为UTLT工程设计的难题。目前常采用的依靠射流风机单方向诱导通风排烟的方式不能完全解决UTLT通风排烟问题。本文以北京市CBD UTLT为工程依托,在综合分析了前人对UTLT排烟方法的研究基础上,提出了一种基于火源附近竖井排烟,两侧射流风机相向平衡压力的通风排烟方式。利用CFD软件Fluent 13.0对典型火灾场景不同工况下烟气流动进行了数值模拟。模拟结果表明火源附近竖井排烟,合理开启两侧射流风机相向平衡压力的通风排烟方式可以将烟气控制在较小范围之内。
The main tunnel of the Urban Traffic Link Tunnel (UTLT) often takes a circular shape. Heavy traffic load and relatively low tunnel height lead to high fire risks. It is a challenge for UTLT engineering designers to determine how to control the smoke and ventilate the tunnel quickly and effectively, once a fire has broken out. The currently adopted ventilation method merely relying on the single-directional guiding of jet fans fails to address the UTLT ventilation problem completely. Based on the Beijing CBD UTLT project, previous studies of UTLT ventilation and smoke exhaustion were reviewed and an integrated ventilation and smoke exhaustion method was proposed of using a shaft to discharge smoke near the combustion source and using jet fans facing one another to balance pressure. The CFD software Fluent 13.0 was applied to perform the numerical simulation of smoke flow under different working conditions on typical fire scenes. The results show that smoke could be controlled within a smaller range in such a way.
Building Science