
C语言软件错误定位的测试用例库构建 被引量:1

Test Case Library Building for Wrong Positioning of C Language Software
摘要 文章主要开发一个用于软件错误定位的测试用例库.该测试用例库具有标准化、复用性、版本管理和统一管理这几个特性,构建过程首先是确立了分类的标准,这里采用了三级分类的模式进行管理,通过分类产生了树形管理结构.然后对测试用例中的源代码文件进行了编码以及说明标签的填写,从而生成标准化的测试用例,不断完善测试用例库.同时,根据系统的更新对测试用例进行修改和维护,保持测试用例库的版本与当前系统版本的一致性. This paper mainly studies and develops a test case library for wrong positioning. It is some characteristics of standardization, reusability, version management and unified manage ment, the building process includes two stages, the first stage decides the criterion which adopts three-level classification model and produces the three management structure by the three-level classification mode, the second stage encodes the source code file in the test case library to gener- ate the standardized the cases and improve the test case library. Meanwhile, to modify and main- tain the library according to system updating maintains the test case library version the consisten- cy with the current system.
作者 王瑾
出处 《太原师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2015年第4期58-62,共5页 Journal of Taiyuan Normal University:Natural Science Edition
关键词 C语言软件 错误定位 测试用例库 C language software wrong positioning ~ test case library
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