
以“协同型学习顺序”破解地方国有企业改革困境——基于N公司的案例研究 被引量:1

Breaking the Predicament of Local State-owned Enterprise Reform with“Collaborative Learning Sequence”:A Case Study of N Company
摘要 在国有企业改革的背景下,大量的地方国有企业往往深陷于知识吸收能力不足和"高效组织变革"的矛盾之中。本文通过案例研究,归纳出地方国有企业和来自外部的知识传递者通过"协同型学习顺序"来克服知识吸收能力不足的问题,从而快速推动操作常规演化的微观机制:科层制组织进行变革时,变革推动者、组织基层和组织之间的信任、合法性以及承诺会随着组织变革的各个阶段产生相应的演进,而这三种机制的演进将共同推动组织变革,达到操作常规的更新和固化。操作常规的微观演化机制为解决地方国有企业在组织变革中面临的主要问题提供了有价值的启示,而在解决实践问题的同时,本文也对操作常规理论和学习顺序理论进行了情境性的深化和拓展。 Under the background of the transformation of local state-owned enterprises(LSOEs), a large number of LSOEs with insufficient knowledge absorbing ability are often at the same time facing the challenges of the "radical change". Through case study, this paper establishes a micromechanism model of "collaborative learning sequence" to deal with the organizations' problem of weak knowledge absorptive capacity and to implement routine update efficiently. When bureau- cratic organizations are changing, the trust, legitimacy, commitment among change agents, or- ganizations and grass-roots of organizations are also changing correspondingly. The evolution of these three mechanisms will jointly promote the organizational change, and finally update and se- cure the organizational routine. This research is not only providing advice to dealing with major problems in organizational change, but also furthering and expanding the organizational routine theory and learning sequence theory while settling practical problems.
出处 《管理案例研究与评论》 CSSCI 2015年第6期539-554,共16页 Journal of Management Case Studies
基金 国家自然科学基金重大项目"国际化背景下我国创业企业的社会网络与创业成长"(71232009)
关键词 组织变革 借鉴式学习 操作常规 组织学习 组织学习顺序 organizational change vicarious learning organizational routine ~ organizational learning learning sequence
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