
基于结构洞的关键资源对旅游供应链渠道权力的影响——以环意国际旅行社为例 被引量:1

The Influence of Key Resources Based on Structural Hole on the Channel Power in the Tourism Supply Chain:Take the HUANYI International Travel Agency as an Example
摘要 本文采用案例研究方法,以环意国际旅行社为研究对象,研究了旅游供应链上游地接社通过对供应链结构洞的管理逐渐获得渠道权力的过程,试图打开旅游供应链渠道权力转移机理的黑箱。研究发现,处于旅游供应链上游的地接社,可以通过信息技术削弱自身与终端游客之间的结构洞,或者与下游组团社通过契约增强组团社之间的结构洞及其稳定性。削弱或利用结构洞将为旅游供应链中的上游地接社带来新的关键资源,结构洞的关键资源与企业已有关键资源相结合,将加速旅游供应链中渠道权力由下游向上游的转移。本研究为旅游供应链上游企业获得渠道权力提供了一个系统化的视角。 Adopting case study method, this paper takes HUANYI International Travel Agency as the research object, studies the process of upstream local travel agency obtaining channel pow- er gradually by managing the structural hole in the tourism supply chain, tries to open the black box of the transfer mechanism of the channel power in the travel supply chain. It finds that local agencies upstream of the tourism supply chain can weaken the structural hole between the termi- nal tourists and themselves by information technology, or enhance the structural h01e and its sta- bility between downstream travel agencies by the contract with them. Weakening or exploiting structural hole can bring new key resources to the upstream local travel agencies in the tourism supply chain, the key resources based on structural hole combined with the resources from the a- gencies, would accelerate the transfer of channel power from downstream to upstream in the tourism supply chain. This research provides a systematic research perspective for the upstream agencies to get the channel power.
出处 《管理案例研究与评论》 CSSCI 2015年第6期577-593,共17页 Journal of Management Case Studies
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71172133) 陕西高校人文社会科学青年英才支持计划 陕西省普通高等学校哲学社会科学特色学科建设项目
关键词 旅游供应链 渠道权力 关键性资源 结构洞 案例研究 tourism supply chain channel power key resources structural hole case study
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