
个案研究类推的方法与逻辑反思 被引量:10

Research on Generalization of Case Study and Its Logical Reflection
摘要 个案研究,亦称为案例研究,是社会科学中最为常见的质性研究方法。但是两个方面的原因使得个案研究的方法与价值备受质疑:当前社会的复杂程度使得其异质性大大提高,基于个案的研究是否能够类推受到怀疑;而建立在统计学基础上的定量研究因其从样本到总体的科学推论更是将这种质疑放大,挑战个案研究的信心。目前,几乎所有的关于个案研究的文献都集中探讨个案研究的代表性与类推问题,并且这一问题成为决定个案研究价值的核心因素。不同的研究者基于不同的方法和策略,对个案研究的类推做出了卓有成效的研究。但是,细究有关个案研究类推的方法,质疑与辩护都还是建立在传统形式逻辑认知的基础上。而发轫于20世纪50年代的非形式逻辑可以很好的回答个案研究类推问题,其所提倡的批判性思维使得我们在面对个案研究时,持一种更为开放的心态,使得个案研究的价值更为凸显。 Case study is one of the most common study methods of study in the social sciences, however, there are two rea- sons making the cause study method and its value are being questioned. They are the complexity of current society greatly increases its heterogeneity, therefore whether the study result can be popularized is being questioned; the "from sample to the whole" method enlarge the questioning respectively. At present, almost all of the case study literature focuses on the discussion of representativeness and generalization of the case study, and this problem has become the core factor to the val- ue of it. Different researchers have made fruitful research on the case study based on different methods and strategies. While exploring the generalization method of case study, the author found the challenges and defenses of these methods are still existed based on traditional formal logic recognition. Instead, the informal logic originated in 1950s can well answer these questions. Moreover, the critical thinking involved makes us having a more open mind, which makes the value of case study become more prominent.
作者 王刚
出处 《中国农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期68-76,共9页 Journal of China Agricultural University;Social Sciences
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(14YJA810008) 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地中国海洋大学海洋发展研究院基金项目(2015JDZS04)
关键词 个案研究 类推方法 非形式逻辑 批判性思维 Case study Generalization method Informal logic Critical thinking
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