
基于降噪的CFRP受电弓导流罩优化设计分析 被引量:2

Optimization design analysis of CFRP pantograph guide guard based on noise reduction
摘要 在前期研究成果的基础上,首先对CFRP受电弓导流罩的气动噪声机理进行了分析;然后,基于降噪理论,选取了9个噪声监测点,对CFRP受电弓导流罩进行气动噪声数值模拟,对比分析了两种不同方案的导流罩结构在100~8000Hz声压级下不同的测点声压级、1,3倍频程声压级和1,3倍频下A计权声压级.研究结果表明:低频段区域,导流罩结构B和导流罩结构E噪声水平相差不大;高频段区域,导流罩结构E的降噪效果整体上优于导流罩结构B。基于该文的研究方法设计出的低噪声CFRP受电弓导流罩结构对未来导流罩的T程化运用具有一定的指导意义。 Based on the previous research achievements,the aerodynamic noise mechanism of the pantograph guide guard of CFRP is analyzed firstly. Then according to the theory of noise reduction,the 9 noise monitoring points are selected,and the aerodynamic noise of the pantograph guide guard of CFRP is simulated by the numerical simulation. Sound pressure level,I/3 frequency doubling sound pressure level and 1/3 frequency doubling under A-weighted sound pressure level under different measurement points are analyzed in two different schemes of guide guard structure in 100-8 000 Hz. The research results show that: in the low frequency region, the B and the E noise levels were little difference,while in the high frequency region, the noise reduction effect of the E is better than that of the B on the whole. Based on the research method of this paper,the low noise structure of the pantograph guide guard of CFRP can be given as a guide for the engineering application of the guide guard in the future.
出处 《电力机车与城轨车辆》 2015年第A01期102-106,共5页 Electric Locomotives & Mass Transit Vehicles
基金 国家自然基金项目(51275432) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金资助项目(2682015CX046)
关键词 CFRP受电弓导流罩 噪声分析 优化设计 pantograph guide guard of CFRP noise analysis optimization design
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