
是“岩溶碳汇”还是“岩溶碳通量”? 被引量:4

Is it karst carbon sink or karst carbon flux?
摘要 大气碳收支不平衡问题是全球碳循环研究的核心问题之一,决定了人类活动导致的气候变化速度和程度。在过去50年,陆地和海洋作为全球碳循环的主要汇呈增加趋势,而岩溶作用(CaMg(CO_3)_2+2CO_2+2H_2O  Ca^(2+)+Mg^(2+)+4 HCO_3^-)则通过与岩石圈、水圈、大气圈(层)的密切联系成为联系陆地和海洋碳库的纽带。尽管岩溶作用在水循环和生物圈的作用下,每年可产生约8亿t的碳通量,使岩溶作用过程成为全球碳循环的一个重要环节。但在目前研究技术手段和认识水平的条件下,将岩溶作用这一可逆过程直接认定为岩溶碳汇有不妥之处。因此,在没有涉及生物固碳效应的前提下,应当将岩溶作用参与的碳循环表述为岩溶碳通量。 Imbalanced atmospheric carbon flow has been a critical problem in the study of global carbon cycle since the 1970s, which has attracted a lot of attentions from policy makers and scientists. After investigating the global carbon budgets, it is cognized that the assessed carbon sink has tended to increase globally in the past 50 years, which largely take place in terrestrial and oceanic ecosystems. In a karst process (CaMg (CO3)2+ 2CO2+ 2H2O〈=〉Ca^2+ +Mge++4HCOa), the HCO3- which connects the lithosphere, hydro- sphere and atmosphere becomes a part of the carbon pool of the terrestrial ecosystem and ocean. Recent re- search proved that global karst carbon flux is around 8×10^8 tons per annum. Because of the complexity of carbon cycles in the karst process, there are many difficulties to confirm the existence of karst carbon sink, or to determine the location and causes of karst carbon sink. Therefore, it is suggested to use the correct depiction for the study of karst carbon cycle and its geological function, which may contribute to karst dynamic theory.
作者 张莹 李强
出处 《中国岩溶》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期539-542,共4页 Carsologica Sinica
基金 广西自然科学基金项目(2015GXNSFGA139010,2014GXNSFCA118012,桂科合14123001-13)
关键词 岩溶 碳汇 碳通量 碳循环 karst, carbon sink, carbon flux, carbon cycle
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