
ova和HPV E_6及其蛋白滴鼻免疫增强小鼠抗体水平 被引量:1

ova,HPV E_6 and its protein can enhance antibody levels by intranasal co-immunization in mice
摘要 [目的]探讨ova和HPV E_6及其蛋白通过滴鼻共免疫的方式提高抗体水平的有效性。[方法]选择ova和OVA蛋白,HPV E_6和HPV E_6蛋白滴鼻共免疫ICR小鼠,检测免疫后小鼠血清中的Ig G、Ig G1、Ig G2a和s Ig A,生殖道黏液中s Ig A的表达水平。[结果]ova及其蛋白共免疫组血清中的抗体Ig G及其亚类、血清和生殖道洗液中的s Ig A与对照组相比差异极显著(P<0.01),初免后第28 d,血清中的Ig G抗体滴度达到28万。HPV E_6与其蛋白共免疫组血清中的抗体Ig G及其亚类、生殖道洗液中的s Ig A与对照组相比差异极显著(P<0.01),初免后第35 d,血清中的Ig G抗体滴度达到25万。[结论]用ova和HPV E_6及其蛋白通过滴鼻共免疫,产生高水平抗体,共免疫组的抗体水平比基因疫苗组增强了近百倍,比蛋白免疫组增强了2.5倍,表明这种免疫方式能够有效激发黏膜免疫反应和系统免疫反应。 [ Objective ] The aim of study is to explore if it would induce high antibody responses by intranasal co -immuniza- tion with ova ,HPV E6 and their proteins. [ Methods] ova and OVA protein ,HPV E6 and HPV E6 protein were chosen as target antigen, chitosan as a carder, and the ICR mice were immunized by intranasal route. IgG, IgG1 , IgG2+, slgA antibody levels in serum andslgA in vaginal washing were detected through indirect ELISA. [ Results ] The significant improvement of IgG, IgG subclasses, slgA can be detected in ova and OVA protein group ( P 〈 0.01 ), the titer of 28 days after 1 st immunization is 280, 000. The significant improvement of IgG, IgG subclasses, slgA can be also observed in HPV E6 and HPV E6 protein group ( P 〈 0.01 ) ,the titer of 35 days after 1st immunization is 250,000. [ Conclusion] The antibody level was significantly enhanced with ova,HPV E6 and their proteins by co - immunization through intranasal route, The antibody level of co - immunization in- creaseed in hundred times and 2.5 times than gene group and protein group, The results show that this approach can effectively stimulate the mucosal and system immune response.
出处 《生物技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期586-590,612,共6页 Biotechnology
基金 新疆生物资源基因工程重点实验室开放课题(No.XJDX0201-2013-07)资助
关键词 滴鼻 共免疫 DNA疫苗 蛋白疫苗 抗体 intranasal immunization, co - immunization, DNA vaccine, protein vaccine, antibody
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