
从学习者角度看慕课——以英国雷丁大学“大学英语写作指南”为例 被引量:1

Viewing MOOC from a Learner and Researcher:A Case Study of "A Beginner's Guide to Writing in English for University Study"
摘要 从研究者及学习者角度体验英国雷丁大学"大学英语写作指南"的学习。该课程敬业的课程团队、严谨的课程内容、科学的呈现方式、简洁的课程界面、执行力强劲的技术团队为课程粘性增色不少。不过评价标准执行不严,评价质量参差不齐,个别辅导老师不够活跃等却令学习者受挫。设立入门制度、组建志愿者团队、采用多元化的评价方式可以弥补部分缺憾,帮助慕课在我国本土顺利发展。 This is based on a journal study of the learning experience of a MOOC learner and researcher. During the 5 weeks of learning,basic information was collected and then studied,including the course interface,the course structure,the interaction between the learners and the course team,the evaluation of the course etc. Due to some causes,the course seems to have some space to improve in certain aspects like the quality evaluation,the speed of the internet,the responsibility of some team worker etc. Despite that,the concise interface,the quick response and the strong executive ability of the technical team,the encouraging words of the instructors,the assessment criteria,and the interlocking of different units together contribute to the attractiveness of the course. A solution of the existing problem might find the way in a diversified evaluation,a volunteer evaluation team and a higher requirement for enrolment.
作者 孙志娟 何芳
出处 《成都师范学院学报》 2015年第12期31-36,共6页 Journal of Chengdu Normal University
基金 2015年度北京市属高等学校青年拔尖人才培养计划项目(CIT&TCD20154035) 北京联合大学人才强校计划人才资助项目(BPHR2014C01)的阶段性成果
关键词 慕课 体验 评价 英语写作 MOOC experience evaluation English writing
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