
水氮耦合对冬油菜氮营养指数和光能利用效率的影响 被引量:20

Effects of Water and Nitrogen Coupling on Nitrogen Nutrition Index and Radiation Use Efficiency of Winter Oilseed Rape( Brassica napus L. )
摘要 于2012—2013年和2013—2014年在冬油菜蕾薹期,设置3个施氮水平0、80、160 kg/hm2(分别记为N0、N1和N2)和3个灌溉水平0、60、120 mm(分别记为I0、I1和I2),探究蕾薹期不同灌溉、施氮量对冬油菜氮营养指数(NNI)、光能利用效率(RUE)、产量、水分利用效率(WUE)和氮肥偏生产力(NPFP)的影响。2 a田间试验结果表明,灌水且施氮能明显提高冬油菜地上部干物质量、光能利用效率和产量。I1N1处理的地上部干物质量比I1N2、I2N1和I2N2分别低0.80%、9.18%和11.12%。冬油菜在I0N1、I0N2、I2N1和I2N2处理下,均会出现氮素亏缺状况,不利于油菜生长;在I1N1和I1N2处理下,不同时期的NNI均大于1,I1N1的NNI在1附近波动,I1N2的NNI则远大于1,表明氮素过剩。2 a施氮和灌水处理对RUE的影响有显著的交互作用(P<0.05),I1N1无论在干旱年(2012—2013年)或降水量较多年份(2013—2014年)均能显著提高冬油菜的RUE,而过量灌溉或施氮对冬油菜RUE促进作用不明显,甚至有下降趋势。2 a灌溉和施氮处理对冬油菜籽粒产量、耗水量、WUE和NPFP影响的交互作用均达显著水平(P<0.05),2 a中灌水量为120 mm、施氮量为80 kg/hm2(I2N1)处理的产量最高,平均产量为3 385 kg/hm2,平均耗水量374 mm,平均WUE为9.1 kg/(hm2·mm),而2 a中灌水量为60 mm、施氮量为80 kg/hm2(I1N1)处理的WUE最高,其平均WUE比I2N1提高8.79%,平均耗水量减少42.5 mm,仅减产3.57%。从节水和生态可持续发展角度出发,灌水60 mm、施氮80 kg/hm2为冬油菜蕾薹期较优的灌溉施氮策略。 In order to determine the reasonable amount of irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer for winter oilseed rape( Brassica napus L.) at stem elongation stage,which is significantly important for improving water and nitrogen use efficiency,increasing yield and quality and decreasing environmental pollution,a two-year( 2012—2013 and 2013—2014) field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of different irrigation and nitrogen applications on aboveground dry biomass accumulation,nitrogen nutrition index( NNI),radiation use efficiency( RUE),yield,water use efficiency( WUE) and nitrogen partial factor productivity( NPFP) of winter oilseed rape in Yangling District of Shaanxi Province. There were three irrigation levels( I0: 0 mm; I1: 60 mm; I2: 120 mm,I2 was approximately equal to local traditional irrigation amount) and three nitrogen levels( N0: 0 kg /hm2; N1: 80 kg /hm2; N2: 160 kg /hm2,N2 was approximately equal to local traditional nitrogen application amount). The results showed that irrigation and nitrogen could obviously improve aboveground dry biomass,RUEand yield. Compared with I1N2,I2N1 and I2N2,the aboveground dry biomass of I1N1 was reduced by 0. 80%,9. 18% and 11. 12%,respectively. Under treatments of I0N1,I0N2,I2N1 and I2N2,nitrogen deficiency of winter oilseed rape occurred at different days after irrigation and nitrogen treatments,which was unbeneficial for the growth of winter oilseed rape. While the NNIof I1N1 and I1N2were always higher than 1 at different stages,and the NNIof I1N1 was fluctuated around 1,which indicated nitrogen status was optimum,but the NNIof I1N2 was much greater than 1,which indicated nitrogen was excess. Irrigation and nitrogen had significant interaction effects on RUEin two years( P 0. 05),and I1N1 could significantly improve RUEof winter oilseed rape in both drought year( 2012—2013) and rainy year( 2013—2014). The promotion of RUE was not obvious or even presented a downward trend when excessive irrigation or nitrogen application was conducted. In 2012—2013,seed yield of I1N1 was significantly lower than those of I2N1 and I2N2( P 0. 05),and it was reduced by 6. 02% and 4. 76%,respectively. While in 2013—2014,no significant difference was found among I1N1,I2N1 and I2N2( P 0. 05). In both years,irrigation and nitrogen had significant interaction effects on crop evapotranspiration( ET),WUEand NPFP( P 0. 05). In 2012—2013 and 2013—2014,yield of winter oilseed rape ranged from 1 534 kg / hm2 to 3 024 kg / hm2 and from2 318 kg / hm2 to 3 746 kg / hm2,ET ranged from 195 mm to 339 mm and from 318 mm to 426 mm,WUE ranged from 7. 9 kg /( hm2·mm) to 10. 4 kg /( hm2·mm) and from 7. 2 kg /( hm2·mm) to 9. 4 kg /( hm2·mm). Among all of the irrigation and nitrogen treatments,I2N1 achieved the highest seed yield within two years,the average yield,ET and WUEof which were 3 385 kg / hm2,374 mm and 9. 1 kg /( hm2·mm),respectively. While I1N1 achieved the highest WUEin both years,the average WUEof which was9. 9 kg /( hm2·mm),with average yield of 3 264 kg /hm2,average ET of 333 mm. Therefore,compared with I2N1,I1N1 could save water amount of 42. 5 mm,and improve WUEby 8. 79% with yield just reducing by 3. 57%. From the perspective of saving water and fertilizer,and simultaneously achieving the goal of increasing yield,the I1N1( irrigation amount was 60 mm and nitrogen application amount was80 kg / hm2) treatment was recommended as an appropriate irrigation and nitrogen fertilization schedule for winter oilseed rape at stem elongation stage.
出处 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期122-132,共11页 Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目(2011AA100504) 公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201503105 201503125)
关键词 冬油菜 灌溉 施氮 蕾薹期 氮营养指数 光能利用效率 winter oilseed rape irrigation nitrogen application stem elongation stage nitrogen nutrition index radiation use efficiency
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