中国每年审定的小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)品种多,但综合性状好的不多。在审定小麦品种时应对小麦品种的产量、蛋白质含量、抗病能力、面筋强度、抗旱节水、抗落粒和抗穗发芽等几方面进行记分,以综合得分进行品种审定,以确保审定品种优质、高产,为农业增效、农民增收。
A number of wheat varieties were approved by approval committees for crop varieties every year in China, but few have well synthetically properties. In the examination and approval of wheat varieties, authorized varieties should be deter-mined by the comprehensive score from aspects of the wheat yield, protein content, disease resistance, gluten strength, drought resistance and water saving, resistance to shattering and pre-harvest sprouting and so on, in order to ensure high yield and high quality of varieties, while increase agricultural efficiency and farmersˊ income.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences