In the period of the Republic of China, many migrant workers moved to the cities in the south of Jiangsu Province. Under the historical conditions of that time, migrant workers worked in high intensity for long hours, but with low income. However, they had lots of daily expenses. They came from different places, and found it difficult to integrate into the city life. But this objectively promoted the population urbanization and the unification of town and country. Of course, it has also brought a se- ries of problems in city. We are now in the new historical background, and should be aware of the fol- lowing, firstly, migrant workers are a positive factor in urban development; secondly, we should inno- vate the service and governance concept for migrant workers finally, we should realize that the localization of migrant workers is an important way to increase the income of migrant workers and alleviate pop- ulation pressure in city.
Journal of Huzhou University
migrant workers
the period of the republic of China
social impact