1624年,意大利耶稣会士毕方济(Francesco Sambiasi)和士大夫徐光启完成了《灵言蠡勺》(探讨灵魂相关问题的谦卑尝试)。本文研究《灵言蠡勺》如何来源于《柯因布拉论灵魂评论》(1598年),同时也解释了在将西方灵魂学说传入中国文化的过程中,神学和哲学的传统划分如何被重新界定。
In 1624, the Italian Jesuit Francesco Sambiasi and the Chinese scholar-officer Xu Guangqi pro- duced The Lingyan Lishao [Humble Attempt at Discussing Matters Pertaining to the Soul]. This study is focus- ing at how the Lingyan lishao takes its roots in the Coimbra De Anima commentary (1598). It is also shown that, in the process of transmitting the Western discourse of the soul to Chinese culture, the traditional boundaries be- tween theology and philosophy were reshaped.
Journal of Zhaoqing University