
基于鲁棒不确定性的应急物资配送策略 被引量:10

Emergency Supplies Distribution Strategy Based on Robust Uncertainty
摘要 针对应急物资配送过程中救灾信息具有鲁棒不确定性特点,构建应急物资配送多阶段多目标鲁棒优化模型,并在此基础上给出鲁棒控制策略。鲁棒优化目标函数中设计运输成本最优、运输时间最少以及用户满意度最大等优化目标,充分考虑"鲁棒不确定性因素"对决策结果的影响,更适合完成突发事件下的应急救援物流任务,比静态环境下的一般规划模型更具有柔性。在鲁棒优化模型基础上给出鲁棒H∞策略,既能够抑制正态分布、均匀分布噪声等外部不确定输入扰动,同时又能够抑制成本参数、配送时滞等内部不确定性扰动,对于既定成本目标控制的平稳实现具有重要支撑作用。基于鲁棒优化的应急物资配送鲁棒控制策略,对于解决突发事件下的应急物资配送决策问题具有重要的应用价值与实际意义。 In this paper,we build a multi-stage and multi-objective robust optimization model with a robust control strategy to cope with the robust uncertainty of relief information in emergency supplies distribution.The model is designed to achieve optimal transport costs,minimum transport time and optimization of user satisfaction with a full consideration of the impact of the robust uncertainty on decision-making.It is claimed that this model is more suitable for emergency rescue supplies and more flexible than regular models in the static environment.Robust H ∞strategy given based on robust optimization model is capable of inhibiting both the external uncertain input disturbances such as normal noise and uniform noise,and the internal distribution such as cost parameters and time-delay,thus greatly facilitating the smooth realization of controlling the cost targets.It is argued that robust control strategy for emergency supplies distribution based on robust optimization is meaningful both theoretically and practically for solving problems in emergency supplies distribution.
出处 《北京交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期106-116,共11页 Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"智能生产与服务网络体系中军民融合产业创新平台及其供给战略"(15BGL029) 江苏省高校哲学社会科学项目"协同理论视角下江苏省服务业集聚的空间适配性问题研究"(2014SJB470)
关键词 应急物流配送 鲁棒优化 多目标决策 鲁棒H8策略 emergency logistics distribution robust optimization multi-objective decision-making Robust H∞ strategy
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