
可加φ-模糊偏好结构中的传递性指标 被引量:1

Indicators of Transitivity in Additiveφ-fuzzy Preference Structures
摘要 研究了可加φ-模糊偏好结构中各种关系的传递性指标,包括大偏好关系、严格偏好关系、无区别关系的传递性指标。首先,我们给出了严格偏好关系与大偏好关系的传递性指标的等价形式。然后,详细讨论了各种关系的相关指标与它们的传递性指标之间的关系。从而将现有文献中可加φ-模糊偏好结构有关传递性的相关结果推广到指标情况。 In this paper, we study the transitivity indicators of various fuzzy preference relations in an additive T-fuzzy preference structure, including the large preference relation, the strict preference relation and the indifference relation. Firstly, we present some equivalent expressions of the transitivity indicators of the large preference relation and the strict preference relation. Then we investigate the relationships between the involved indicators in detail. The research extends some results in additive φfuzzy preference structures to their indicator case.
出处 《模糊系统与数学》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期133-140,共8页 Fuzzy Systems and Mathematics
基金 山西省自然科学基金资助项目(2013011004-1) 山西省留学回国人员科研资助项目(2013052)
关键词 可加φ-模糊偏好结构 旋转不变性 传递性指标 Additive fuzzy Preference Structure Rotation Invarianeel Transitivity Indicator
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