

Research progress on severe plastic deformation of steels with BCC/FCC crystal structures
摘要 晶格结构(体心立方BCC、面心立方FCC及其复合形式)类型对金属材料剧烈塑性变形过程中的晶粒细化机制产生重要影响.本文以不同晶格结构的钢铁材料为对象,重点阐述和总结了不同晶格结构类型及其变形模式差异对剧烈塑性变形过程中晶粒细化理论、组织形貌和力学性能的影响规律,其结果有望为探索剧烈塑性变形工艺过程中的组织细化理论提供一个新途径. The crystal - structure types of metallic materials such as face - centered cubic (FCC) and body - centered cubic (BCC) play a crucial role on ultra- grain refinement during severe plastic deformation (SPD). This work will focus on three different types of steels with BCC, FCC, and BCC/FCC crystal structures, and comprehensively discuss and summarize the influence of different crystal - structure types on deformation modes, ultra - grain refinement, microstructure and properties, which will provide a new route to apply and develop this theory to ultra - grain refinement of metallic materials through SPD processing.
出处 《材料与冶金学报》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第4期283-292,共10页 Journal of Materials and Metallurgy
基金 国家自然科学基金(51401050/51334006)
关键词 剧烈塑性变形 FCC钢 BCC钢 双相不锈钢 晶粒超细化 severe plastic deformation FCC steel BCC steel duplex stainless steels ultra - grain refinement
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