卫星姿态控制系统是一个复杂的非线性系统,是航天任务中的核心组成部分,因此对控制器的设计有着较高的要求。该文首先采用模糊控制的方法对卫星的姿态控制进行仿真,较之传统的控制方法,模糊控制更适合非线性系统的环境,可使卫星的期望姿态在参数不定的情况下具有更高的精度与稳定性;设计了卫星姿态模糊控制器并用MATLAB VRML 3D动画显示模块辅助实现姿态控制过程,建立控制器的数学模型及3D显示界面,使卫星姿态控制过程更为直观。
As the core part in space missions,satellite attitude control system is a complex nonlinear system, which needs a higher requirement of the design.The paper uses fuzzy control method to make a simulation to the attitude control of satellite.Compared with traditional control method,the fuzzy control is more suitable for nonlinear system, which can make the satellite have better attitude stability and higher precision under the environment with changing parameters. And this paper gives a new design of the satellite attitude control system based on VR 3D Display Model of Matlab which can make use of existing model in Matlab to establish the mathematical model and display system,so that the satellite attitude control process becomes more intuitive.
Science and Technology Innovation Herald