
新创企业失败学习模式对企业成长的影响——失败学习内容的中介作用 被引量:8

Influence of Entrepreneurial Learning Mode from Failure on Growth of New Venture:Mediating Role of Entrepreneurial Learning Content from Failure
摘要 利用287名有失败经历的新创企业创业者和创业团队成员的调研数据,借助统计分析工具,实证研究了新创企业的两类失败学习模式(探索模式和利用模式)对企业成长的影响,以及失败学习内容在其中的中介作用。研究结果表明:失败学习模式中的探索模式和利用模式都对新创企业成长产生正向影响;探索模式对失败学习内容及其各维度均有正向影响,而利用模式只对失败学习内容中的自我学习、商业学习和企业管理学习3个维度有正向影响;失败学习内容在利用模式与企业成长间起完全中介作用,在探索模式与企业成长关系间起部分中介作用。 Based on the survey data of 287 entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial team members in new ventures who have failure experiences, this paper explores the influence of two types of learning modes from failure on the growth of new ventures and the mediating role of entrepreneurial learning content on these influence by using the statistical analysis technique. The empirical results show as follows:exploration mode and ex- ploitation mode all have positive impacts on the growth of new ventures ; exploration mode has positive impacts on learning content from failure and its every dimension, but exploitation mode only positively impacts three dimensions of learning content from failure, namely oneself learning, business learning and venture management learning; learning content from failure plays a partial mediating role in the impact of exploitation mode on the growth of new ventures,and has a full mediating role in the impact of exploration mode on the growth of new ventures.
出处 《技术经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期63-70,122,共9页 Journal of Technology Economics
基金 浙江省社会科学规划项目"创业失败对企业家再创业行为的影响机制研究"(16NDJC186YB) 国家自然科学基金资助项目"转型经济中企业家制度能力对民营企业制度创业的作用机制研究:利益相关者视角"(71372010) 浙江省高等教育教学改革项目"基于创业人力资本提升的大学生创业教育研究"(JG2013063)
关键词 新创企业 失败学习模式 失败学习内容 企业成长 new venture learning mode from failure learning content from failure enterprise growth
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