
身体的界限 被引量:3

The Boundary of the Body
摘要 在早期中国遗存文献中,有五个描述身体的基本概念:"躯"几乎专指功能失常的小人之体;"形"主要指可视的形体以及赋予其外形的不可见之结构;"身"是修炼之所在,而且是社会化的建构自我;"躬"则是礼仪行为公开展示的场所。除此而外,"体"可以进行各种各样的分割和重叠,而且与饮食、食物等有关。与其他四个表现身体的词汇相比,"体"是一个与身体、家、国乃至天地万物密切关联的概念。"体"标示着一个具有模糊界限的躯体,它的边界无处不在,中心同样无处不在。 In ancient Chinese transmitted texts,there are four terms describing the body:qu almost refers to the dysfunctional bodies of the petty person;xing mainly denotes the visible form and non-visible structures that lie beneath the surface of a visible form,shen is the site of cultivation and the socially constructed self,gong can be seen as the site of publicly displayed,performed values. In addition,ti connects with foods,eating,etc. It also can be operated in various kinds of division and overlapping. Compared with the other four representing body words,ti is a word that relates to the body,family,state and things all under heaven. Consequently,ti denotes a corpus of indefinite boundaries. Its circumference is everywhere,but its center is everywhere as well.
出处 《开放时代》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期69-93,6,共25页 Open Times
关键词 界限 有机 礼仪化行为 一体 体道 boundary organic ritualized conduct form one body ti dao
  • 相关文献


  • 1Nathan Sivin, "State, Cosmos, and Body in the Last Three Centuries B. C. ," Harvard Journal of Asi- aticStudies, Vol. 55, No. 1, 1995, p. 5.
  • 2Nathan Sivin, "State, Cosmos, and Body in the Last Three Centuries B. C.," Harvard Journal of Asi- atic Studies, Vol. 55, No. 1, 1995, p. 14.
  • 3Derk Bodde, "On Translating Chinese Philosophic Terms, " Far Eastern Quarterly, Vol. 14, No. 2, 1955, pp. 231-244.
  • 4Peter A. Boodberg, "The Semasiology of Some Primal"y Confucian Concepts," Philosophy East and West, Vol. 2, No. 4, 1953, pp. 317-332.
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  • 6Roger Ames, "The Meaning of Body in Classi- cal Chinese Philosophy, " in Roger T. Ames, etc. (eds.) , Self as Body in Asian Theory and Practice, Albany: State U. of New York P., 1993, pp. 157-177.
  • 7杨儒宾.《儒家身体观》,台北:“中研院”文哲所,1996年,第129 -172页.
  • 8ChengChung-ying(成中英),"On the Metaphysical Significance of Ti (Body-embodiment)in Chinese Philosophy: Benti (Origin-substance) and Ti-yong (Substance and Function ) " Journal of Chinese Philosophy, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2002, pp. 145- 161.
  • 9Mark Edward Lewis, The Construction of Space in Early China, Albany: State U. of New York P., 2006, Chap. 1.
  • 10TuWei-ming(杜维明), "A Confucian Perspective on Embodiment," in Drew Leder (ed.), The Body inMedical Thought and Practice, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992, pp. 87-100.












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