
东亚公民对政治机构的信任:制度与文化的差异 被引量:24

Trust in Political and Government Institutions in East Asia:Cultural and Institutional Differentiations
摘要 本文运用东亚十一个国家和地区的问卷调查数据,分析了东亚地区公众对本国或地区的各个主要政治机构如中央政府、立法机关、警察系统等的信任。分析发现,将东亚各个社会按照政体类型分为西式自由民主、西式选举民主、非西方民主三组后,这些社会的公民对政府机构的信任表现出一些明显的模式。在西式自由民主和选举民主的体制下,由选举产生或与选举相关的机构如国家领导人、中央政府、政党等的信任度比较低,而非选举性的专业化的机构如法院、警察系统、公务员系统等,其信任度则更加直接地反映了这些机构的质量。传统的政治文化,例如强调政治权威、等级制度、集体身份的价值取向,一般会培养公民对政治机构抱有较多的信任。这一发现也说明,东亚的一些国家和地区,随着社会经济现代化逐渐削弱传统的政治文化,很可能会出现公民对政治机构的信任相应下降的趋势。 Using Asian Barometer data,This paper displayes the levels and variations of institutional trust among 11 East Asian societies. Once grouped according to their level of democratization,into liberal democracies,electoral democracies,and non- democracies,these societies' publics show clear patterns in their trust in various political and governmental institutions. National institutions and election-related institutions such as political parties suffer rather low level of trust in liberal and electoral democracies,while trust in administrative and non-election related institutions quite closely reflect their effectiveness in providing government services. Exposure to as contrast to isolation from electoral competition therefore appears to reduce the public's trust in a given institution. Culturally,traditional social values,such as respecting authority and societal hierarchies as well as a strong collective identity as contrasting to an individualistic world view shows strong effect in boosting trust in political and governmental institutions. Socioeconomic modernization in East Asia means,however,that the attendant decline in such values will lead to decrease in trust in political and government institutions.
作者 王正绪
出处 《开放时代》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期119-137,7,共19页 Open Times
关键词 政治信任 机构信任 政治文化 现代化 东亚 political trust institutional trust political culture modernization East Asia
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