
美国主流媒体霸权秩序的话语生产与消解——以恐怖主义为例 被引量:2

On the Discursive Production of Hegemonic Order by Mainstream U. S. Media and Its Disintegration
摘要 20世纪最具原创性的马克思主义理论家之一安东尼奥·葛兰西认为霸权包含"强制"和"同意"两个层面,是政治领导权、知性领导权和道德领导权的有机融合。在当代美国社会,主流媒体作为"市民社会"中的"有机知识分子",是主导阶级获取知性领导权和道德领导权的最重要的霸权机器。通过对包括美国有线新闻网、《华盛顿邮报》,以及《纽约时报》在内的美国主流媒体对9·11事件以及发生在中国的暴力恐怖袭击事件的报道进行对比分析,可以发现美国主流媒体通过双重标准、"去真实化"和"哀悼的等级化"等话语策略,从道德和知性方面转变社会共识,形成集体意志,进而在反恐问题上确立霸权秩序。与此同时,这种话语生产也遭到包括美国受众在内的公众的质疑和抵制,霸权秩序趋于瓦解。 Antonio Gramsci, one of the most innovative Marxist theorists of the 20th century, argues that hegemony is a combination of consent and coercion and an integration of political, intellectual, and moral leadership. Serving as the "organic intellectuals" of "civil society" ,mainstream U. S. media are the crucial hegemonic apparatuses of the dominant class. A comparative analysis of the reports of such media as CNN, Washington Post, and New York Times on September 11 attacks and attacks in China reveals that double standards, derealization, and hierarchy of mourning are the main discursive strategies adopted to transform social consensus and establish hegemonie order. However, the established hegemonic order is in the meantime exposed to the questioning and resistance of the general public and tends to disintegrate.
作者 张强
出处 《延安大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第1期95-100,共6页 Journal of Yan'an University (Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 恐怖主义 媒体 霸权 话语生产 消解 terrorism media hegemony discursive production disintegration
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