
需求波动的供应链仓储资源共享定价研究 被引量:3

Pricing Warehouse-sharing Based on Demand Fluctuation
摘要 本文研究了供应链仓储资源共享的定价问题。与已有基于运营成本固定的仓储定价研究不同,作者分析了供应链库存的波动特征及其对仓储成本的影响,考虑了当期需求需入库后才销售的仓储成本,针对供应链中节点企业各自仓储、资源利用不充分的问题,提出了波动需求错峰仓储的资源共享策略,建立了错峰仓储所节约成本分享的资源定价模型。分析表明,仓储资源共享定价取决于单位库容的固定成本、库房运营的边际成本、市场需求波动幅度和成员企业在供应链中的地位。最后,运用某产品的实际销售数据和仓储成本,对错峰仓储策略及资源共享定价的有效性进行了说明。 The pricing of warehouse-sharing in supply chain was studied. It was analyzed that inventory fluctuates and their influences on the warehousing cost in a supply chain,and the storage cost of the current needs that had to be put in warehouse before sale considered, which were different from the existed studies based on the fixed cost was The strategy that interleaved the rush demand to share the warehouse was presented according to the inadequate use of the self warehousing and resources. A pricing model was proposed to share the saved cost. The analysis shows that warehouse-sharing price is decided by the fixed cost per unit capacity, the marginal cost of warehouse-operating, the market fluctuation and the status of the member enterprises in a supply chain. Finally, the actual sales data of a product and its warehouse cost were used to show the effectiveness of the strategy and the model.
出处 《交通运输工程与信息学报》 2016年第1期1-6,18,共6页 Journal of Transportation Engineering and Information
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(2682013CX067) 中烟商务公司课题(烟草行业同城工商物流一体化研究)
关键词 仓储管理 需求波动 资源共享 成本节约 定价 Warehousing management demand fluctuation resources sharing cost saving pricing
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