Most of fires are of either accidents or disasters. It is rare that someone sets a fire to commit suicide or homicide. But sometimes fire could be set to destroy the dead body for the evidence to be covered purposively. When the dead body is found on the fire scene, legal medical examiners should cooperate with mark inspectors, frefighters and others related in the scene investigation. The conclusion could then be reached to identify the reason of death, and determine the nature of the case exactly. This paper reports an arson involving one death. No one witnessed the fire occurrence and the burning process. The fire had already extinguished when the dead was found. All the objects in the scene were kept relatively completed, therefore it was fgured out to be the original scene. Determining the manner of death was a key point before determining the case's nature. It was concluded that it was the victim himself to set the fire, then hanging himself. The rope was burned out, and the body fell down on the ground and was burned.
Forensic Science and Technology
case involving death
scene analysis
nature of case