

Research on Load Balancing Based on SDN
摘要 Open Flow网络将控制平面与数据平面解耦,通过集中式的控制器来控制整个网络,能够更有效地实现对网络流量的管控。基于Open Flow的负载均衡通过对链路流量进行调度和分配,实现对整个网络流量的负载均衡,能防止网络拥塞、提高网络资源利用率等。但是传统的负载均衡方案难以满足Open Flow网络的全局式、灵活性的要求。因此,需要对Open Flow网络中的负载均衡进行进一步研究,文章提出一种全新的负载均衡解决方案。 The control plane is decoupled from data plane in the Openflow network, and it can control the traffic of network efficiently by the logically centralized controller.The load balancing based on Openflow realizes the load balancing of the traffic of the network by scheduling link flow, it can prevent the network congestion and improve resource utilization in the network. But, traditional load balancing are difficult to meet the centralized, flexible and scheduling needs in Openflow network.So, we need to do further study on the load balancing of Openflow network and the paper forward a new solution.
出处 《无线互联科技》 2016年第1期42-43,共2页 Wireless Internet Technology
关键词 OPEN FLOW 负载均衡 流量调度 OpenFlow load balancing traffic scheduling
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