

Study and Design of Traffic Management Based on OpenFlow
摘要 随着互联网的快速发展,传统网络的规模不断增长,结构更加复杂,网络管理难度加大,从而导致网络服务质量差。为解决这一问题。文章在SDN的基础上,提出了一种基于Open Flow的网络模型。通过Open Flow控制器控制其交换机中流表实现用户对网络数据处理的可编程控制从而实现了Qo S流量管理,并通过Open Flow控制器Flowlight在mininet中的搭建,验证了其有效性。 With the rapid development of Internet, the traditional network scale increasing, the structure is more complex, the management of network is more difficulty, so the quality of network service is poor.In order to solve this problem,we put a network model based on the technology of Open Flowand fuse the Diff Serv,that is based on Software Defined Network,the control layer and forwarding layer is separated in which.Through Open Flowcontroller to control the switches for Flow Table to achieve the user programmable control of network data processing so as to realize the Qo Straffic management, and through building the mininet network simulator of Open Flow’s controller ——Flowlight, and its effectiveness is verified.
作者 李林 马晶
机构地区 西安邮电大学
出处 《无线互联科技》 2016年第2期103-106,共4页 Wireless Internet Technology
关键词 OpenFlow QOS 区分服务模型 OpenFlow QoS DiffServ
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