
远程民族主义视阈下巴西日裔“臣道联盟”研究 被引量:3

A Study of the “Shinto Renmei” in Brazil from the Perspective of Long-Distance Nationalism
摘要 20世纪初日本人开始向巴西移民,并在巴西形成一个相当规模的移民群体。"臣道联盟"(Shinto Renmei)是二战期间部分日裔移民在巴西创立的一个国粹主义团体,它否认日本战败的事实,并对接受战败事实的日本同胞展开极端民族主义行动,这给巴西日裔的生存和发展带来了严重影响。本文回顾了日本人移民巴西的历史及其特点,并试图利用远程民族主义理论来分析"臣道联盟"产生的背景、发展及相关影响。 Many Japanese immigrated to Brazil in the early 20th century, where they formed a sizeable immigrant group. During World War II, some of them founded a group called "Shinto Renmei" representing the quintessence of Japan. This group denied the fact of Japan being defeated, and conducted an extreme nationalist action to those who accepted this fact, which brought a serious impact on the survival and development of the Japanese community in Brazil. This article reviews the history of Japanese emigration to Brazil, and analyzes the background, development and influences of " Shinto Renmei" in Long-distance Nationalist perspective.
作者 沈燕清
出处 《世界民族》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期61-70,共10页 Journal of World Peoples Studies
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