

The Application of Social Impact Investment in Crime Prevention
摘要 社会影响力投资是本世纪初诞生的一种新兴的社会公共服务模式,也是一种新兴的金融投资和资产方式。社会影响力投资在欧美国家治理各种社会问题中的广泛应用,为预防犯罪提供了新的视角,二者的结合也已经在一些地区取得了一定的社会成效。社会影响力投资的犯罪预防项目在欧美国家具有两种不同的运行模式。在我国启动和运行社会影响力投资的犯罪预防项目,既有契机又有难点,但总体而言,将社会影响力投资与犯罪预防实务相结合具有极大的应用前景。 Social impact investment was born at the beginning of this century.With rapid development,it has been a new model of public service and a new way of financial investments and assets.Social impact investment cur-rently is widely used to address poverty, education, health, crime and other social problems.The United States and some European countries have combined the social impact investment with crime prevention, which brings a new perspective of crime prevention at practice.This article briefly describes the characteristics and the development process of social impact investment by investigating the application of social impact investment at the practice of crime prevention in Western countries.The application of social impact investment in crime preventionhas different kinds of opportunities and difficulties in China,which also has a wide application prospect.
作者 庞焱
出处 《福建警察学院学报》 2015年第6期43-49,共7页 Journal of Fujian Police College
关键词 社会影响力投资 预防犯罪 应用前景 social impact investment crime prevention application prospect
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