
我国页岩气勘探开发水资源约束分析 被引量:2

On Water Resources Constraint Issues that we Face in Shale Gas Exploration and Production in China
摘要 文章针对我国页岩气资源开发利用面临的水资源约束,构建地表水生产压力和地下水污染风险两个指标,对我国31省份2010-2013年间页岩气勘探开发的水资源压力进行分析,并运用ARCGIS工具得出两种风险相应等级组图。针对淡水资源消耗问题,管理目标是减少消耗,一方面通过优化页岩气勘探开发技术和工艺,尽量减少消耗;另一方面是废水回收利用,通过对压裂液重新回收处理实现二次甚至多次循环利用,在循环利用中要防治压裂液成分可能造成地表水污染。针对地下水污染的风险,管理目标是有效控制、杜绝污染,加大页岩气勘探开发技术的创新,加强页岩气勘探开发管理制度。 This paper has set up two indexes for the productionpressure on surface waterand the risk of groundwater pollution in the face of water resources constraint during shale gas resources development and utilization.Through analyzing the water resources stress that 31 provinces faced from 2010 to 2013 in shale gas exploration and production, and by using ARCGIS tool, the corresponding maps for the two risks has been introduced.For the issues concerning the consumption of fresh water resources, this paper points out that our goal is to reduceconsumption. In doing so, we should devote our efforts to reduce consumption through optimizingthe technique and technology of shale gas exploration and development. On the other hand, we shouldre-use waste water through recycling fracturing fluid to reach the secondary or even several times circulating utilization; and, more remarkable, we must pay more attention to preventing and controlling this fact that fracturing fluid composition may cause pollution to surface water. In addition, we must effectively control and eliminate pollution, step up efforts to innovating shale gas exploration and development technology, enhance our efforts to reform the system to manage shale gas exploration and development.
出处 《中国国土资源经济》 2016年第2期28-34,13,共8页 Natural Resource Economics of China
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目"页岩气和煤层气开发利用的能源安全效益 环境效益和其他社会效益评估"(13AZD078) 中国地质调查局地质调查项目"我国页岩气资源勘查规制研究"(12120113018100)
关键词 页岩气 勘探开发 水资源 约束 资源消耗 地下水污染 shale gas exploration and development water resources constraints resource consumption groundwater pollution
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