
论新生代农民工异地就业培训的政府干预问题 被引量:6

Governmental Intervention in Job Training for Young Migrant Workers in in-flow Areas
摘要 斯蒂格利茨与尼古拉斯·巴尔的政府干预理论,成为政府干预新生代农民工异地就业培训的理论依据。当前,我国新生代农民工异地就业培训主要包括劳务输出地政府组织的异地培训、地方政府间的委托-合作形式、流入地政府全纳及有限度纳入当地培训等多种类型。但其中存在政府干预普遍缺失、不同层级政府干预数量目标冲突、府际合作困境、干预歧视、拔萃主义以及利益冲突与合谋等多重困境。借助于科学动态确定目标人群、借鉴社会保险权益区域间转移策略、合理选择政府干预政策工具等,有助于破解以上积弊。 Joseph Eugene Stiglitz and NicholasBarr both advanced theory of governmental intervention, and this theory is the basis for governmental intervention in job training for young migrant workers in in-flow areas. At present, there are four types of job training for young migrant workers in in-flow areas, which includes that training organized by labor-flowing-out government, entrust-cooperate form between labor output and input area government, totally and partly entering into financial aids of labor input area government. However, some problems still exist, such as the absence of governmental intervention, quantity and target conflicts, cooperation dilemma between governments, intervention discrimination, tilting to the superior, interest conflict and pork barrel etc. Therefore, to determine the target population scientifically and dynamically, use regional transfer strategy of social insurance rights for reference, and choose proper policies tools are very helpful for solving those problems.
作者 韩娟
出处 《教育发展研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期13-18,共6页 Research in Educational Development
基金 教育部人文社科青年项目"新生代农民工异地就业培训政策研究"(14YJC880016)的部分成果
关键词 新生代农民工 异地就业培训 政府干预 young migrant workers, job training in in-flow area, governmental intervention
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