
近年美国对香港政策变化及评估 被引量:11

US Hong Kong Policy in Recent Years:Changes and Assessments
摘要 《1992年美国—香港政策法》仍是美国对香港政策的基石。近年随着香港自身的发展和中美关系的演变,美国关注香港事务的层级有所提升,对民主、人权、自由等议题的表态增多,研究和关注香港事务的"小圈子"基本形成。香港因素逐渐成为中美关系中的显性因素,但由于美国承认"一国两制"及中美之间尚有很多亟需解决的议题,香港问题暂不会成为中美关系中新的"麻烦制造者"。 The policy of the United States toward Hong Kong is still based on the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992. With the development of Hong Kong and the evolution of Sino- US relations,the United States has paid more attention on Hong Kong issues in recent years. More higher officials show interests in Hong Kong and make more comments on Hong Kong's constitutional reforms,human rights and press freedom,etc. and researchers attach more importance to the Hong Kong affairs. Although Hong Kong has become a new factor in the Sino-US Relations,it won't be a new trouble-maker,because the United States recognizes the 'one country,two systems'principle and there are so many controversial issues between the US and China.
作者 李环
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期24-31,64-65,共8页
关键词 美国 中国香港 对港政策 中美关系 US' policy toward Hong Kong Sino-US relations
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  • 1"A Report to Congress on Conditions in Hong Kong as of 03/ 31/93", http ://hongkong. usconsulate, gov/ushk pa_1993033101, html.
  • 2"United States-Hong Kong Policy Act (Amendment)", ht- tp ://hongkong. usconsulate, gov/ushk_pa_2002011001, html.
  • 3"A Report to Congress on Conditions in Hong Kong as of 03/ 31/93", http://hongkong, usconsulate, gov/ushk_pa 1993033101. ht- ml.
  • 4"United States-Hong Kong Policy Act Report, as of March 31, 1997", http ://hongkong. usconsulate, gov/ushk_pa 1997033101. html.
  • 5"United States Report on Hong Kong as of July 31,2001 ",ht- tp ://hongkong. usconsulate, gov/ushk_pa 2001073101. html.
  • 6https ://www. tid. gov. hk/tc _ehi/aboutus/publications/ factsheet/usa, html.
  • 7https://www, tid. gov. hk/tc_chi/aboutus/publications/ factsheet/usa, html.
  • 8"Hong Kong Policy Act Report", Bureau of East Asian and Pa- cific Affairs, April 10,2015, http://www, state, gov/p/eap/rls/reports/ 2015/240585. htm.
  • 9"United States Report on Hong Kong as of July 31,2001 ",ht- tp ://hnngkong. usconsulate, gov/ushk_pa 2001073101. html.
  • 10" Hong Kong Policy Act Report", Bureau of East Asian and Pa- cific Affairs,April 10,2015.











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