
“伊斯兰国”的互联网攻势及其影响 被引量:9

An Analysis of the Network Expansion of the “Islamic State”
摘要 相比于传统恐怖组织,"伊斯兰国"的互联网攻势令人关注,在借助社交网站功能、依托网络支付、发布网络影音与电子刊物等方面都有较大创新。"伊斯兰国"结合现代人的碎片式阅读节奏与快节奏生活习惯,以鲜明的标题和简单的语言通过网络招募成员,成为中东地区极端组织的网络效仿对象,成为危及中东国家与域外国家安全的重大因素。基于互联网的扩散性,"伊斯兰国"的网络攻势呈现出新的演变趋势,其灵活性与隐匿性增强,加大了国际社会对其防范和打击的难度。 Compared to the traditional terrorist organizations,'Islamic State' attracts much more attention because of its network expansion. 'Islamic State' makes great progress on social networking websites,internet payment,network video and electronic publications. This paper analyzes how 'Islamic State' recruits members on the Internet by attracting people with writing distinct titles and using simple language on their propaganda materials and making use of modern people's fragment reading and rapid life habits. This paper also expounds that this way of recruiting members is emulated by the Middle East extremist groups,which poses a major threat to the countries both in and outside the Middle East. Taking advantage of the diffusion of the Internet,the Internet expansion of the 'Islamic State' has taken on an evolutionary trend featuring flexibility and hiding ability. This increases the difficulty for the international community to combat the 'Islamic State'.
作者 柳思思
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期32-39,63,共9页
基金 笔者主持的2014年国家语委课题"网络语言暴力问题研究"(YB125-126) 2015年教育部区域与国别研究基地"北京第二外国语学院阿拉伯研究中心"(ASC2015YB04)的阶段性成果
关键词 “伊斯兰国” 互联网攻势 恐怖主义 地区安全 'Islamic State' network expansion evolution trend
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