
半干旱区全膜覆盖垄沟间作种植马铃薯和豆科作物的水热及产量效应 被引量:32

The Study on the Effect of Potato and Beans Intercropping with Whole Field Plastics Mulching and Ridge-Furrow Planting on Soil Thermal-Moisture Status and Crop Yield on Semi-Arid Area
摘要 【目的】间套作是克服马铃薯连作障碍、提高降水利用效率和农田生产力的有效途径,但在半干旱旱作区发展间套作,必须选择基于水分承载力的模式。【方法】依托4年大田定位试验,测定全膜覆盖垄沟种植马铃薯单作(PM)、马铃薯蚕豆间作(PF)、马铃薯豌豆间作(PS)和马铃薯扁豆间作(PH)的土壤温度、土壤贮水量、作物产量等指标,计算耗水量、经济收益和水分经济收益率,明确其产量和水分效应,并评价其农田水分持续性。【结果】间作有利于缓解6—7月份的高温胁迫,在2012—2014年,PF、PS和PH处理在该时期0—25 cm土层的土壤温度较PM处理下降0.8—3.6℃、0.4—2.8℃和0.8—1.8℃。间作促进作物利用深层土壤水分,在干旱和平水年的耗水深度达200 cm。与马铃薯单作相比,PF处理使花前耗水增加41.6—131.7 mm,而使干旱(2011)和平水年份(2012)的花后耗水分别减少48.6 mm和34.3 mm;PH同样增加了花前耗水,但花后耗水量和单作处理无显著差异;PS的花前花后耗水量介于二者之间。PH的经济收益和水分经济收益率最高,分别较马铃薯单作增加了29.8%—51.4%和19.8%—24.0%。4个处理0—200 cm土层土壤贮水量在4年期间增加了100 mm以上,表明全膜覆盖条件下马铃薯和豆科作物间作种植,对土壤水分的年际平衡无显著负影响。【结论】PH能够降低6—7月高温期间0—25 cm土层的土壤温度,增加马铃薯花后耗水量,增产效果显著,并对土壤水分持续性无明显负面影响,可作为西北黄土高原半干旱区较为理想的间作模式推广应用。 [Objective] Intercropping is one of the main technologies to solve the potato continuous cropping obstacles, and increase crop productivity. However, it is very important to consider the local soil water capacity before developing a potato intercropping system in the semiarid area. [ Method] A 4-year field experiment was carried out from 2011 to 2014 with four treatments: (1) mono-potato (PM), (2) potato and faba bean intercropping (PF), (3) potato and soybean intercropping (PS), and (4) potato and haricot bean intercropping (PH). The soil temperature, soil water content and crop yield had been investigated; the crop water consumption, economic returns and water economic yield were calculated, to understand the effects of different intercropping models on crop productivity and soil moisture. In addition, soil water sustainability was appraised under intercropping system on semiarid area. [ Result ] The intercropping relieved the heat stress from June to July, the soil temperature in 0-25 cm profile of PF, PS and PH decreased by 0.8-3.6℃, 0.4-2.8℃ and 0.8-1.8℃ from 2012 to 2014 respectively, as compared with PM, this may advantage to the potato growth. The soil water content decreased, especially, the deeper soil water depleted in intercropping treatments as compared with mono-potato treatment, the depth of soil water depletion reached to 200 cm in the intercropping treatment, compared with PM, the soil water depletion of PF increased by 41.6-131.7 mm in potato pre-flowering period, and decreased by 48.6 mm and 34.3 mm in dry year (2011) and normal year (2012) in post-flowering period respectively. Although the soil water depletion of PH treatment increased in pre-flowering period, but not decreased in post-flowering period significantly, as compared with PM. The variation of soil water depletion in pre- and post-flowering period in PS was between PF and PH. The economic returns and water economic yield of PH was highest, increased by 29.8%-51.4% and 19.8%-24.0% than PM, respectively. The soil water storage in 0-200 cm profile increased more than 100 mm through the 4 experimental years, indicated that there were no adverse effect on soil water sustainability in potato and beans intercropping, when the whole field plastics mulching and ridge-furrow planting technology used in semiarid area. [ Conclusion] Potato and haricot bean intercropping decreased the soil temperature in the hot season (i.e. June and July), increased potato water consumption in post-flowering period, resulted in significant increment of incomes, and had no risk on the annual soil water balance, which could be widely applied in the rain-fed semi-arid area of northwest Loess Plateau.
出处 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期468-481,共14页 Scientia Agricultura Sinica
基金 国家科技支撑计划(2015BAD22B04) 农业部公益性行业科研专项(201203031)
关键词 半干旱区 全膜覆盖垄沟种植 马铃薯 豆科 间作 土壤水热 经济收益 semi-arid area whole field plastics mulching and ridge-furrow planting potato beans intercropping soil thermalmoisture status income
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