
传媒企业中的特殊管理股:理论、应用及其启示——以纽约时报公司为例 被引量:8

Special Management Share in Media Industry:Theory,Application and Inspiration
摘要 按照中央十八届三中全会的战略部署,国有传媒企业试点特殊管理股制度是文化体制改革的重点工作。但特殊管理股何以特殊?为何传媒业如此青睐特殊管理股?国际传媒巨头如何运用特殊管理股制度?我国国有传媒企业试点该怎么试?这一系列问题引起了传媒业与相关政府部门的广泛关注,也成为学术关注的焦点之一。文章以纽约时报公司为例,剖析了特殊管理股在传媒业私有化背景下的创造性应用及其基本模式与独有特征,以期为我国传媒领域特殊管理股制度试点提供必要的智力支持。 According to the deployment of the third plenary session of the Eighteen Central Committee of Communist Party of China, state-owned media enterprises will try special management share recently. But why special management share is special? Why special management share is so popular in media industry? How to apply special management shares in media industry? How to try it in China? In response to all these concerns, this thesis, based on the example of New York Times Corporation, will analyze how the policy of special management shares is applied in the privatization of media enterprises, and discern the basic model and special characteristics. By all these efforts, this thesis wants to provide some mental support for the future trial of special management share.
作者 周正兵
出处 《编辑之友》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期25-29,共5页 Editorial Friend
基金 中央财经大学科研创新团队扶持专项资金资助(020850315003)
关键词 国有传媒企业 特殊管理股 试点 模式 State-owned media enterprise special management share trial model
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