

Brief Discussion on How the Leading Cadres in State-owned Enterprises Can be the Example in the Aspect of Using Their Right Strictly
摘要 严以用权是"三严三实"的重要内容,也是践行"三严三实"要求的关键环节,直指领导干部作风的核心,是领导干部守住底线的关键一步。作为国有企业的领导干部,要清醒认识到手上掌握的权力是公权力,公私分明、克己奉公,始终做到秉公阳光用权;要在法律和制度的框架内行使权力,不碰党纪高压线、不越法律底线,始终做到依法合规用权;要在其位谋其职、在其岗尽其责,勇于担当、积极作为,踏实干事创业,始终做到勤政务实用权,做好严以用权的表率,在推动企业生产经营建设中发挥领导核心作用。 Using the right strictly is the important content in the policy of "three strictness and three honesties" and it is al so the key link to realize such policy. It is the key content for guiding the work--style of cadres and it is the key factor for the leading cadres to keep their basic principle. As the leading cadres in state--owned enterprises, they should know clearly the, rights they owned belong to the country. They should be scrupulous in separating public from private interests and should work selflessly for the public interest; they should use their rights impartially and overtly; they should carry out their rights in the frames of law and system, and should do not touch the base line of the party discipline; they should do not violate the law and should use their rights according to law;they should have the responsibilities, when they are on the position; they should have the responsibilities and have the contribution to people; they should do their work steadfastly, should do their work for our country and people seriously and should use their rights practically. They should take the example of using the right strictly as the leaders and should show the key function for improving enterprise production and its management and construction.
作者 周新国
出处 《胜利油田党校学报》 2016年第1期36-38,共3页 Journal of The Party School of Shengli Oilfield
关键词 严以用权 权力 依法 表率 use their right strictly right according to law example
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