钢丝捆扎机的夹持机构是钢丝捆扎机的重要组成部分之一,夹持机构性能的优良直接关系着整个捆扎过程的捆扎效果。用三维软件Solid Works对钢丝捆扎机的夹持机构建模,并用有限元分析软件ANSYS对钢丝捆扎机的夹持机构进行静力学分析和模态分析,从有限元分析中得到钢丝捆扎机夹持机构的最危险的应力变化特性和它的固有频率以及其对应振型。从有限元分析的结果中得出夹持机构的应力远远小于材料的屈服极限,其低阶固有频率较高,刚度较强,为避免机械共振,使机械工作振动频率远离夹持机构的固有频率。
Steel strapping clamping mechanism is of significant component of steel wire binding machine, and performance of clamping mechanism directly determines the whole binding process's outcome. Thus, using three-dimensional software like SolidWorks for clamping mechanism modeling;, and using finite element analysis software like ANSYS for static analysis and m By bunch analysis, the obtained results reveals the stress of clamping mechanism is far less than the yield stress limit of the material, and its high natural frequency is at low-level, and high rigidity; so in order to avoid mechanical resonance, the machinery working vibration frequency should keep far ctway from the natural frequeney clamping mechanism Modal analysis is on the steel strapping clamping mechanism, to analyze its most dangerous stress variation characteristics, natural frequency and its corresponding modes.
Machinery Design & Manufacture