以3D打印并联机器人3-PUU机构为研究对象,对其进行运动学分析。通过坐标的方式对3-PUU机构进行运动逆解,推导出映射并联机构的主动关节输入速度矢量和动平台输出速度矢量关系的雅可比矩阵。利用Pro/E三维建模软件建立了虚拟样机模型,通过多体系统动力学仿真软件Recur Dyn对实体模型进行了运动学仿真分析验证了理论求解的正确性,通过该仿真分析,不仅能直观地证明所建立的数学模型的正确性,更为以后的并联机器人机构的动力学分析、轨迹规划控制奠定了基础,也为机构的优化设计提供了方向。该机构在3D打印、医用机器人等领域有潜在的应用前景。
Taking 3-PUU parallel robot manipulator applied in the practical application for 3D printing as the research object, the kinematics analysis of the mechanism was produced. The kinematics inverse solution analysis was deduced by coordinate transformation theory, What's more, the Jacobian matrix that expressed the relationship between the input Of the active joint and output of the moving platform velocity vector was derived. The virtual prototype model was established by using 3D modeling software Pro/E, the kinematic simulation analysis was produced by the multi-body dynamics simulation software RecurDyn, and the theoretical solutions were effectively verified. Through the simulation analysis it can not only provide the correct mathematical model, but also pay the foundation for dynamics analysis and the trajectory planning control and provide the direction of optimization design. This mechanism has a potential application prospect in the fields of medical robots and 3D print.
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