1998年 7月 2 1日鄂东南地区出现特大暴雨 ,其中武汉市出现 1h降水量超过 88mm的突发性大暴雨 (简称“98.7”大暴雨 )。通过诊断分析发现 :武汉地区的“98.7”突发性大暴雨是中 β尺度系统强烈发展引起的 ;在暴雨发生前武汉附近整个对流层大气积聚了大量的水汽 ,整个层结接近饱和 ,并且蕴涵着大量对流有效位能 (CAPE) ;中 β尺度系统形成后停滞少动数小时 ,使中 β系统区域积累大量的可降水 ,引起“98.7”突发性强暴雨。
On 21 July 1998 a flash flood associated with a meso-β convective system occurred in Wuhan, producing 88 mm rainfall in an hour. A diagnostic study of the genesis and development of the mesoscale convective system (MCS) is presented. The conclusions are as follows: (1) The flash flood occurred during the rapidly developing stage of the MCS. (2) There was aboundent moisture gathered in the lower troposphere and the atmosphere was nearly saturated with a big store of convective available potential energy (CAPE). (3) The MCS became nearly stationary in the vicinity of Wuhan after formed and a great amount of rainfall was accumulated in this area.
Journal of Applied Meteorological Science
国家重点基础研究发展规划项目"我国重大气候和天气灾害形成机理与预测理论研究"第一部分(G1 9980 4 0 90 3)
第二部分 (G1 9980 4 0 90 8)共同资助