
商业化的知识产权:中国创新战略的全球脉络 被引量:1

Commercializing Intellectual Property:China's Innovation Plan in a Global Context
摘要 国际现行知识产权架构的本质,是西方发达国家在全球产业链中对商业利益最大化的谋求。从TRIPS协议到《跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》,这一本质非但没有改变,而且日益变本加厉。作为创新基础薄弱的国家,中国唯一胜出的办法,似乎就是积极熟悉这一国际规则,并提高自身知识创新商业化的能力,以在由知识和创新统领的全球的"自由市场"中,占领知识产品商业化的一席之位。从中国创新经济和知识产权的战略规划及相关的法律、政策及实践中可以清晰地看到,知识产权的商业化,是其核心目标。然而,这一战略定位不能简单地理解为对商业利益的片面追求。在中国的战略规划中,还可清晰地看到商业价值与社会价值的平衡。不过,在中国企业大量走出去投资的大趋势下,一旦中国企业的知识产权商业化技巧在国际层面上变得十分娴熟,则它们会否成为现行国际知识产权霸权规则的捍卫者,乃至妨碍其他国家的发展,或是对中国自身的发展产生负面的影响,却也是极难预测的。 The fundamental nature of the global intellectual property regime is the maximization of commercial interests owned by developed nations in the global value chain. This fundamental nature has hardly changed from TRIPS to the Trans -Pacific Partnership. As a nation with relatively weak innovation capacities, China identifies its solution to improvement in bettering its understanding of the current global intellectual property regime and increasing its own ability in the commercialization of intellectual properties. The intention is to gain and grow its competitive position in the global free market dominated by knowledge and innovation. Commercialization of intellectual properties is an established strategy that can see widely seen in China' s strategic planning of intellectual property and innova- tion laws, policies and practices. Although balanced interests are also considered by China' s policy and law makers, Chinese firms aiming at outbound investment may become the defenders of the current global intellectual property regime once they have acquired sophisticated commercial skills for intellectual property at a global level. It is yet to assess the extent to which such trend might hinder the development agendas of other nations as well as China.
作者 邵科
出处 《政法论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期89-96,共8页 Journal of Political Science and Law
关键词 知识产权创新战略 跨太平洋伙伴关系协定 知识产权商业化 intellectual property innovation strategy Trans - Pacific Partnership commercialization of intellectual property
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