本文简要综述重力波和磁重力波在各种天体物理场合中的应用 ,我们描述在具有开放径向磁场的恒星大气各种磁流体波之间的相互转换过程 ,强调磁重力波被束缚在恒星冕内的可能性 ,并探讨恒星内部高频的声波模 (p -模 )被低频的重力波模 (g -模 )所调制的过程 ,一旦有了足够长时间未间断高质量的日震数据 。
In this contribution, applications of gravity and magneto-gravity waves in various astrophysical contexts are briefly reviewed. We describe magnetohydrodynamic wave transformation process in a stellar atmosphere with a radially open magnetic field, emphasize the possibility of trapped stellar coronal magnetogravity waves, and study modulations of stellar high-frequency p -modes by low-frequency g -modes. With a sufficiently long uninterrupted high-quality helioseismological data, the last mechanism may be utilized to search for signatures of solar interior g -modes in the form of fine spectral structures of individual p -modes or to put an independent upper limit on g -mode magnitude.
Publications of the Yunnan Observatoty