
药用野生稻-栽培稻渗入系后代卷叶表型的遗传分析 被引量:1

Phenotype Genetic Analysis of Introgression Line Progenies Rolled Leaf of O. officinais- O. sativa
摘要 [目的]根据药用野生稻-栽培稻渗入系后代卷叶表型遗传分析,分析定位控制水稻叶型的相关基因。[方法]构建药用野生稻-栽培稻渗入系后代卷叶的分离群体,并对后代分离群体进行SSR多态性分析。[结果]该群体受一对不完全显性卷叶基因控制;初步判断卷叶个体表型产生的原因是野生稻基因片段的渗入所致;并将该群体的卷叶基因初步定位在第5号染色体分子标记RM305和RM173之间。[结论]得到了一个具有新来源的新基因,为进一步对新型卷叶基因的克隆和分子手段调控机理研究奠定了基础,同时为应用分子手段调控叶形来改良株型而提高水稻生产效益的设想提供材料。 [ Objective ] According to the phenotype genetic analysis of introgression line progenies molled leaf of O. officinais - O. sativa, the loca- tion of related genes controlling the leaf style of rice was studied. [ Method ] A segregation of O. officinais - O. sativa introgression line progenies rolled leaf was established. Moreover,SSR ( Simple Sequence Repeats) polymorphic analysis was conducted to study the progenies segregation. [ Result ] The results showed that the group was controlled by a pair of incomplete dominance rolled leaves ; the cause of roUed leaf phenotype was the infiltration of the gene segment of 0. officinais ; the rolled leaf genes of this group were preliminary mapped between RM305 and RM173 of molecular marker of the fifth chromosome. [ Conclusion] A new gene from new source is obtained,which will lay the foundation for the further re- search of cloning and molecular regulation mechanism of the new rolled leaf genes and offer the possibility for increasing rice production by mo- lecular regulation of leaf shape to improve the plant type.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2016年第3期119-122,共4页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(GZY15006) 中南民族大学留学基金项目
关键词 渗入系 卷叶基因 基因定位 药用野生稻 Introgresston line Roiled leaf gene Cene mapping Oryza officinalis
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