
基于矢量控制的感应电机弱磁控制算法研究 被引量:5

Field Weakening Algorithm of Induction Motor Based on Vector Control
摘要 变频调速控制系统要求电机具有宽范围的恒功率弱磁调速能力,并能输出较大的转矩。提出一种感应电动机弱磁状态下励磁电流和转矩电流轨迹控制的新方法。在满足电机和驱动器最大电压和电流约束条件的前提下,对电机励磁电流轨迹和转矩电流轨迹分别独立控制,实现全速度范围内的最大转矩输出。设计了该弱磁控制算法的实现策略,并在7.5 kW感应电机上进行实验研究,与传统弱磁控制方法相比,提出的弱磁控制方法可以输出更大的转矩,电流波动小,系统更稳定。 In frequency conversion timing control system,induction motor(IM)needs large speed rangeoperation with constant output power,and could output greater torque as much as possible. A new exciting current andtorque current trajectories control scheme for the field weakening operation of induction motor drive was presented. Theproposed scheme,in which the tracks of excitation current and torque current were controlled independently,allowsthe motor to exploit the maximum torque capability in the whole speed range with the constraints of maximum voltageand current of the motor and inverter. The implementation strategy of the field weakening control algorithm wasdesigned,and the experimental research was carried out on 7.5 kW induction motor. Compared with traditionalweakening control algorithm,the weakening control scheme proposed could output greater torque,lower currentfluctuation and more stably performance.
作者 陶华堂 李强
出处 《电气传动》 北大核心 2016年第3期7-11,共5页 Electric Drive
关键词 感应电机 矢量控制 弱磁 最大转矩电流比控制 induction motor(IM) vector control field weakening maximum torque per ampere control
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