利用 2 0 0 0年 5~ 6月敦煌 (戈壁 )陆面过程野外观测实验加强期的地表辐射观测资料以及HEIFE中绿洲 (张掖 )和沙漠两站 1 991年同期的地表辐射观测资料 ,分析了三种不同下垫面晴天地表辐射各分量的日变化特征。结果表明 :绿洲区和沙漠区总辐射略高于敦煌戈壁区 ;地表反射率沙漠区和敦煌区明显高于绿洲区 ;地面有效辐射戈壁区最大 ,张掖绿洲区最小 ;
The characteristics of diurnal variation of surface radiationin clear skyover Dunhuang,Desert and Zhangye were analysed and compared by using the short period observational data of radiation balance at Dunhuang (Gobi)in June 2000, Desert and Zhangye(oasis) in June 1991.The results show thatthe daily mean value of the transparency of atmosphere is 0.603 at Dunhuang and compared with Lasha, Naqu, Gaize and Ganzi, the transparency of atmosphere is very low. From the results, we can also see that,at three stations, the global radiation at oasis and desert is stronger than at Gobi; the surface albedo at Gobi and desert is higher than oasis; for the surface effectiveradiation, we find that the value at Gobi is the biggest, the next one is at desert, and the smallest one is at oasis; for surface net radiation, the value at oasis is higher than at desert and Gobi.
Plateau Meteorology
国家重点基础研究发展规划 (G19980 4 0 90 0第一部分 )
中国科学院知识创新工程重要项目 (ZKCXZ SW 2 10 )共同资助