目的了解镇江新区妇女常见病的患病情况,做到早发现、早治疗,以期达到提高妇女的生殖健康水平.方法:对镇江新区五个区镇8868例已婚妇女进行妇科病普查普治.检查人群按年龄分成低年龄组(21~35岁)、中高年龄组(36~65 岁)两组,分析普查结果.结果:随着对公共卫生投入力度的加大,妇幼保健工作备受关注,广大城镇妇女的防病意识也较往年有所提高,普查率逐年上升,乳房及生殖系统患病率逐年下降,但妇女病患病率依然较高.妇女疾病患病率居前三位的分别是乳腺小叶增生、宫颈糜烂、细菌性阴道炎.除盆腔附件疾病外,低年龄组其他妇女疾病检出率均高于中高年龄组.结论:应定期对适龄妇女进行妇科疾病的普查普治工作,做到早发现、早治疗各类妇科疾病,同时开展多种渠道的健康教育.广大妇女也应重视普查结果,改变不良生活习惯,提高自身卫生健康意识.
ObjectiveTo understand women frequently-occurring disease prevalence in Zhenjiang New District, in order to do early discovery, early treatment and improve the level of women's reproductive health. Methods:8868 cases of married women in census. The inspection groups according to age (21~35 years of age) in low age groups, the high age group (36~65 years) in the two groups, the analysis of the census results. Results:As countries to increase investment in public health, much attention has been paid to the prevention and management of rural women's awareness, census rate is rising year by year, breast and genital tract infection rate have a downward trend year by year, but still higher prevalence of gynecological diseases. Top Three of gynecological diseases prevalence are respectively: Mammary gland hyperplasia, cervical erosion, bacterial vaginitis. In addition to Pelvic accessory disease, the detection rates of other women diseases in the low age group were higher than those in the middle age group.Conclusion:Should regularly carry out gynecological diseases census work and health education, early detection, and early treatment of various kinds of gynecological diseases. At the same time, the majority of women should also pay attention to the results of the census, to change the bad habits, improve their health awareness.
World Chinese Medicine
Gynecological Diseases
Health Care