目的通过对人结肠癌细胞移植瘤裸鼠模型的研究,探讨脂联素对结肠癌的抑制作用及可能机制.方法:将人结肠癌WIDr 细胞株种植于裸鼠皮下建立移植瘤模型后随机均分为空白组、生理盐水组和脂联素组等3组,脂联素组裸鼠经腹腔隔日注射浓度为25μg/(㎏·d)的脂联素1ml,生理盐水组注射等体积生理盐水.观察小鼠肿瘤生长情况,直至第24天处死小鼠,剥离肿瘤组织,称取瘤质量,计算肿瘤抑制率、观察病理学形态改变并免疫组化染色检验组织中的TUBB3及TopoII.结果:脂联素组的肿瘤平均瘤重减轻,瘤组织坏死灶较大且凋亡细胞增多, TopoⅡ与TUBB3蛋白阳性表达水平显著降低(P〈0.001).结论:脂联素能抑制人结肠癌细胞的生长,其机制可能与脂联素抑制细胞的有丝分裂活动有关.
ObjectiveTo investigate the effect and the underlying mechanism of adiponectin on the growth of human colon cancer cells xgenograft tumor model in nude mice. Method:24 nude mice of WIDr were randomly divided to three groups: control group, physiological saline treatment group and adiponectin treatment group.The adiponectin was administrated by intraperitoneal injection with volume 1ml and the concentration of 25μg/(㎏·d)in nude mice. Physiological saline group was injected with saline as same voolume. Physiological saline group and adiponectin group are administrated at intervals of every other day. The 24 days later, We sacrificed all mice and removed tumor tissue, checked the weitht of the tumor,and calculated tumor inhibition rate. .Futhermore, we observed the pathological morphology and stained of TUBB3 and TopoII.. Results:Compared with the untreated group, the average tumor weight of the adiponectin group was significantly reduced, and the number of necrotic foci and apoptosis cells increased, and the expression of Topo II and TUBB3 was significantly decreased. Conclusion:Adiponectin could inhibit the growth of human colon cancer cells and might be through inducing cell apoptosis.
World Chinese Medicine