设计实现了一种可集成于D类音频功放芯片内部的Pop-Click噪声抑制系统,通过全新的输出级软启动控制以及辅助反馈环路的采用,保证了软启动过程中的环路稳定性和输出驱动级的完整性,实现良好稳定的PopClick噪声抑制。采用0.5μm CMOS工艺实现了集成Pop-Click噪声抑制系统的2.0 W单声道D类音频功放。测试结果显示,在单位增益、8Ω喇叭负载下,该D类音频功放的Pop-Click噪声能被有效抑制至1.5 mV内。
Integrated Pop- Click noise suppression system for class D audio power amplifier application is presented. A novel soft start control of output driver and an auxiliary feedback loop circuits ensure the stability of class D loop and the integrality of out-put power stage, realize the good Pop- Click noise suppression. A class D audio amplifier that integrated with the Pop- Click noise suppression system was implemented in 0. 5 μm CMOS process. The measurement result shows that at 0 d B gain setting and 8 Ωspeaker loading the amplifier can suppress the Pop- Click noise to 1. 5 m V.
Application of Electronic Technique