
阿姆斯特丹术前焦虑与信息量表中文版的信效度研究 被引量:69

Reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the Amsterdam preoperative anxiety and information scale
摘要 目的评价阿姆斯特丹术前焦虑与信息量表(the Amsterdam preoperative anxiety and informationscale,APAIS)中文版本用于评估中国患者术前焦虑程度的信效度。方法将APAIS译为中文,术前1d对130例患者进行APAIS量表、状态特质焦虑量表(state—trait anxiety inventory,STAI—S)、焦虑视觉模拟量表(visual analogscales—anxiety,VAS—A)评测,手术当Et30例患者复测APAIS量表。结果中文版APAIS焦虑分量表平均得分(7.37±3.51)分,信息需要分量表平均得分(3.67±1.94)分。信度分析显示,焦虑量表和信息需要量表的Cronbach仪系数分别为0.840和0.782,重测信度分别为(r-=0.746,P〈0.01)和(r=0.655,P〈0.01)。因素分析表明APAIS中文版包括2个维度:焦虑和信息需要,解释73.82%的总方差。APAIS焦虑量表评分与STAI—S,VAS.A评分显著相关,相关系数分别为(r=0.720,P〈0.01)和(r=0.641,P〈0.01)。结论阿姆斯特丹术前焦虑与信息量表中文版本用于评估患者术前焦虑程度具有较好的信度和效度。 Objective To determine the reliability and validity of the Chinese edition of the Amsterdam preoperative anxiety and information scale (APAIS) for the assessment of preoperative anxiety of Chinese patients. Methods The APAIS was translated into Chinese version. One hundred and thirty patients undergoing elective surgery were enrolled to complete the APAIS, STAI-S, VAS-A at the day before surgery, and thirty subjects received a re-test of APAIS at the day of surgery. Results The average score of Chinese version of APAIS anxiety scale and information scale were ( 7.37+ 3.51 ) and ( 3.67+ 1.94 ), respectively. Cronbach a for the anxiety scale was 0.84 and information scale was 0.78, respectively. Test-retest reliability were r=0.746(P〈0.01) and r=0.655(P〈0.01) ,respectively. Factor analysis showed anxiety and the desire for information were found, which explained 73.82% of variance. The anxiety scale of APAIS significantly correlated with STAI-S and VAS-A, Correlation Coefficient were r= 0,720(P〈0.01 ) and r= 0.641 (P〈0.01), respectively. Conclusion The Chinese version of the APAIS has good reliability and validity to quick measure the preoperative anxiety and desire for information of patients.
出处 《中华行为医学与脑科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期179-182,共4页 Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science
关键词 阿姆斯特丹术前焦虑与信息需要量表 术前焦虑 信度 效度 Amsterdam preoperative anxiety and information scale Preoperative anxiety Reliability Validation
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