
马头山自然保护区苔藓植物区系研究 被引量:9

Study on the Bryophytes Flora of Matoushan Nature Reserve,Jiangxi Province
摘要 通过对马头山自然保护区 1180余号标本的鉴定 ,现已知该地区共有苔藓植物 6 9科、149属、2 6 5种及 1亚种、1变种。其中 ,LeucodontemperatusAkiyama为中国大陆分布新记录 ,大萼苔 (Cephaloziaambigua)、钩叶粗蔓藓(Meteoriopsisancistrodes)、Isocladiellasurcularis (Dix .)Tan、TrichosteleumstigmosumMitt.为华东新记录 ,水生湿柳藓(Hygroamblystegiumfluviatile)、梨蒴珠藓 (Bartramiapomiformis)、拟兜叶藓 (Horikawaeadubia)、柔叶毛柄藓 (Calyptrochaetajaponica)、角状刺枝藓 (Wijkiahornschuchii)等 14种为江西新记录。本文全面分析了马头山苔藓植物区系成分 ,将其划分为 12种类型 ,其中以东亚成分为主 ,热带、亚热带成分次之 ,温带成分居第三位 ,分别为 39.36 %、30 .92 %、2 6 .5 1% ,东亚成分中的中国—日本成分 77种 ,占 30 .92 %。东亚特有属、刺疣藓属 (Trichosteleum)、水生湿柳藓等属种分布特点的讨论 ,以及和邻近地区比较 ,反映马头山苔藓植物区系与国内其它苔藓分布区之间的联系 ,具有较明显的过渡性质 。 Matoushan Nature Resever covered about 21 570 hm 2 is located at 117°08′52″E~117°18′E,24°29′N~30°05′N,southeast Zixi County,Jiangxi Provice.The annual average precipitation is 1 900 mm.The highest peak,Dajiaoyan,is 1 310 m above sea level in Mt.Matou.This area is influnced by subtropical climate and vegetation is mainly the subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests consisting of Fagaceae,Theaceae,Lauraceae,Magnoliaceae.A total of 1 180speciesmens of bryophytes representing 267 species (mcluding subspecies and varieties),149 genera and 69 families were collected from the Matoushan Nature Reserve).Among them,one species(Leucodon temperatus Akiyama) is new record to China mainland and 18 species are new to Jiangxi Province.An analysis of geographical and floristic elements of Mt.Matou bryophytes indicates that 98 species (39.36% of the total) belong to the East Asian elements,77(30.92%) of to the tropical and subtropical elements and 55(26.51%) to the temperate elements.East-Asiatic elements are the most im portant ones.Most species of the East-Asiatic elements show very close relationships with Japan,and are widely distributed in Mt.Matou. The similarity co-efficient between the bryoflora of Mt.Matou and Mt.Longxi is higher than other regions.Number of the East-Asiatic genera is smaller in Mt.Matou,so it is possibly localed on the border of the distributional centel (SE China) of the East-Asiatic genera.Depending on the comparison of the bryoflora,the East-Asiatic genera and distribution of some species,the authors consider that the bryoflora of Matoushan Nature Reserve represents the transitional characteristic from temperate region to tropical region,and is a subtropical type as well as Mt.Wuyi.
出处 《山地学报》 CSCD 2002年第4期401-410,共10页 Mountain Research
基金 马头山自然保护区综考项目 江西省自然科学基金 ( 0 0 30 0 31)资助
关键词 苔藓植物 区系 江西 马头山自然保护区 Bryophytes Flora Matoushan Nature Reserve Jiangxi Province
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