
春节期间眼外伤流行病学特征及临床分析 被引量:5

The epidemiological study of ocular injuries in Spring Festival
摘要 目的研究本地区2015年春节期间眼外伤的流行病学特征。方法收集我院2015年春节期间的眼外伤连续病例124例(126眼)的临床资料,记录其一般情况、致病原因、临床表现、急救方法、术前术后视力及就诊时间,并结合该段时间人们的日常活动,分析2015年春节期间各时段眼外伤的发病流行趋势。结果在124例眼外伤中男女性别比为7.85:1。年龄最小者1.5岁,最大者67岁,平均年龄(21.6±18.5)岁,多发年龄4~12岁、19~60岁。致伤原因中鞭炮炸伤最多,有68眼(53.97%),其次为儿童玩具致伤19眼(15.08%),摔伤11眼(8.73%)。眼球破裂伤为主要眼外伤临床类型,有70眼(56.56%)。农历腊月三十日、正月初一和正月十五眼外伤人数呈爆发性增长,其中正月十五当天最多,有20例,占统计时段全部受伤病例的16.13%。视力视力〈0.05(盲)者,出院较人院时患者少,两者差异有意义;视力≥0.05且〈0.3(低视力)者,出院时较多,两者差异有意义;视力≥0.3者,出院较多,两者差异无意义。41眼人院视力〉0.1(占32.54%);66眼出院时视力〉0.1(占52.38%)结论眼外伤是一类严重影响视功能的眼科急症和重症。春节期间,眼外伤集中爆发,其致病原因以鞭炮炸伤最多,给人们带来严重的健康威胁,建议全面禁止燃放烟花爆竹,保护环境也保护眼睛。 Objective To study the epidemiological characteristics of eye injuries during the Spring festival of 2015. Methods The clinical data of 126 eyes of 124 ocular trauma patients, admitted to our hospital during the Spring Festival in 2015 were collected. The general conditions, nosogenesis, clinical symptoms, emergency treatment methods, pre- and post-operative visual acuity and admission time were recorded. Besides, in combination with people's daily activities during the specific time period, the trends of ocular trauma onset at different time periods during the Spring Festival were analyzed. Results Of the 124 patients, the ratio between the male and female patients was 7.85 : 1. The youngest patient was 1.5 years old and the eldest patient was 67 years old with the average age of (21.6 ± 18.5 )years old. The ocular trauma was easy to occur among the populations aged between 4 and 12 and between 19 and 60. The most common cause was firecrackers which caused ocular trauma in 68 eyes (53.97%) followed by children' s toys which caused ocular trauma in 19 eyes ( 15.08% ) and fall over which caused injuries in 11 eyes (8.73%). Eyeball rupture occurred in 70 eyes (55.56%) and was the common type of ocular trauma. An explosive growth in the number of ocular trauma patients happened in the Chinese New Year' s Eve, Chinese Lunar New Year and the Lantern Festival. The peak came on Lantern Festival, with ocular trauma patients going up to 20 and accounting for 16.13% of the the cases during the statistical time period. The visual acuity was worse than 0. 05 which is blind before the treatment were more than that after the treatment, there was a statistical significance( P 〈 0.05 ) ; The visual acuity was better than 0.05 and worse than 0. 3 which is low-vision before the treatment were less than that after the treatment, there was a statistical significance(P 〈 0. 05 ) ; the visual acuity was better than 0.3 before the treatment were less than that after the treatment, there was no statistical significance (P 〉 0.05). Conclusion The ocular trauma is a kind of emergent and severe ocular disease which can influence the visual function seriously. The population of ocular trauma caused by firecrackers mostly boomed in Spring Festival. The prohibition of fireworks and crackers and protection of environment should be recommended.
出处 《中华眼外伤职业眼病杂志》 2016年第2期105-109,共5页 Chinese Journal of Ocular Trauma and Occupational Eye Disease
关键词 春节 眼损伤 流行病调查 Spring Festival Eye injury Epidemiology
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